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Analítica de Audiencia

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de la analítica de audiencia? Analítica de Audiencia es el proceso de recopilar información sobre el comportamiento del cliente, las preferencias, los patrones de compra y más. Esta información se utiliza con el fin de crear estrategias de marketing eficaces para una empresa. La segmentación de la audiencia ayuda a determinar […]

Market Research with Neuromarketing

Market Research and Marketing are an ever-changing science. Advances in technology and the advent of new markets have made it necessary to study and adapt to changing conditions. Market Research firms are constantly experimenting with new methods of analysis and marketing. As they do, they are also constantly open to input from market participants. In […]

Content Marketing Through COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t something companies can ride out to the short term without essentially transforming their advertising strategy and investing in digital and social media marketing. The black Friday events won’t be this Friday, the day after thanksgiving but for the entire remaining days of the year. The next month and a half remaining […]