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Marketing Psychology: The Impact on Consumers Decisions

What Is Marketing Psychology?

Marketing psychology is the study of how people perceive, process, and respond to information and advertisements. It includes topics like advertising, persuasion, media, marketing strategy, and consumer behavior. The idea behind this field is to use psychology tools to make marketing more effective. For example, by understanding human nature, you can design ads or promotions for people more effectively. This will help them associate your brand with positive feelings and attitudes towards it.


Understanding Human Nature

Advertising makes us feel a certain way about an organization or product. But just because we see an ad that says “new” doesn’t mean we’ll buy something new. We must be persuaded first. To do so, we analyze all the different angles of the advertisement. Some of these include:

1. Product Features – What does the product have to offer? Are there benefits? How much time is required to get these benefits? Does it look cool? Does it fit into my lifestyle? These are some of the questions we ask when evaluating a product.

2. Product Image – Is the visual appealing? Do the graphics match the product well? Does the packaging stand out from other products in my store? When looking at images of food products, would you consider buying them if you see them?

3. Branding – Does the name ring true? Is it unique? Is there anything memorable about it? If a company uses the same colors as a competitor, could their product be seen as being cheap?

4. Price – What is the price tag? Would you pay this amount? Will the price keep up with inflation? Will you even notice the difference?

5. Promotion – How long does the promotion take? Has this product been around for a while? Have there been any recent recalls or bad publicity?

6. Advertising Campaign – How did the campaign come together? Who was involved? What were the budget amounts? Did they reach their target audience? Was the message clear enough?

7. Customer Service – Were customers satisfied with the service? How many complaints did they file? Did they end up getting their product? Did the staff treat them nicely?


Ads are persuasive when they tap into our subconscious mind. To do so, marketers must know how the brain works. Psychologists call this knowledge cognitive psychology. They believe that we all think in patterns and habits. These things make up our personalities.

Cognitive psychologists say our personality traits influence how we interpret and react to things around us. In addition, some personalities are more prone to one type of thinking than another. For example, extroverts tend to focus on ideas and facts. Introverts instead tend to focus on relationships and emotions. Our brains also change based on our experiences. If we’ve been exposed to a negative experience before, then it takes longer to recognize the same stimulus as good. So, marketers should take these factors into account when designing their messages.

Some types of advertising work better than others. Marketers need to understand this and apply it appropriately. The following types of advertising appeal to various parts of the psyche:

• Emotional Appeal – People often purchase items after watching movies or listening to music. This is an emotional appeal. Think about all those commercials where people cry over lost love.

• Information Appeal – A scientific approach appeals to rational minds. Think of all the TV shows that present data on health issues.

• Persuasive Appeal – Companies try to convince us to purchase their goods through facts. Examples include television infomercials where you’re told which shampoo helps hair grow faster. Or a car manufacturer might tell you that their new model is safer.

• Social Appeal – Social media ads such as Facebook pages ask users to share information about themselves. This is social proof.

In summary, persuading your consumers to buy your product involves tapping into their deepest psychological needs. It’s important to develop a strategy that addresses their fears, desires, and motivations. Once you do this, you can use cognitive behavioral techniques to persuade them.


Social Proof

In a nutshell, social proof refers to the tendency to follow the lead of others. This means that if lots of people seem to support a particular opinion or activity, then we’re going to start doing the same thing too. This happens because it’s easier than questioning ourselves. Plus, people tend to want to avoid embarrassment. And if everyone is doing it, then we might as well join the fun!

When we see people acting in a certain way, we often imitate them. The first step toward imitating anyone is taking note of their actions. Then, we notice their behavior and try to repeat them as closely as possible. We may not understand why, but we do it. When we see others wearing red shirts, for instance, we’ll wear red shirts too.

But there are situations where imitation isn’t the best idea, especially when we have no other option. If we see a group of people standing next to a heavy truck, for instance, we’d be foolish to get behind it. Why would we risk being crushed by the weight of the vehicle? Instead, we’ll stand off to the side. That’s called avoiding peer pressure. As adults, we sometimes let peer pressure affect our decisions. Sometimes we even feel guilty about not following along with the crowd. But we shouldn’t worry about this. If we don’t want to act a certain way, then we just don’t. Peer pressure isn’t highly effective; it’s only useful when we’re pressured to do something we don’t want to do anyway.

If you decide to mimic people’s behaviors, then there’s one more factor to consider. It’s called “social proof.” What does social proof mean? It’s the concept that people are influenced by how many people are supporting a decision or action. If lots of people agree with a statement, then we believe the statement must be true. In fact, some companies sell products using this method. They send out press releases saying things like, “We’re the most popular…” or “Everyone loves…” etc.

Does It Work?

Yes! An experiment done by researchers in the 1970s proved the effectiveness of social proof. They showed four different films to many people. Three were identical—the fourth had a message encouraging viewers to vote for either of the candidates running in the next presidential election. The researchers predicted that the film would increase voter turnout. Their prediction was correct: only 12 percent of people went to the polls without watching the film. That’s almost 5 million fewer voters than expected.

How To Apply It?

Social proof is used in advertising to encourage people to buy products. A company releases a new product and uses an advertising campaign to convince people that this model is desirable. By doing this, the company hopes that customers won’t hesitate to purchase it.

How to Use It?

Using social proof requires that you ask yourself why you are buying a certain product. Is it because you think it looks cool? Do you want to fit into a certain category? Or do you simply see everyone using it and thinking, “Why shouldn’t I use it too?” If you answer any of these questions honestly, you might realize that you don’t really care enough about the product to spend money on it. Instead of trying to persuade you to buy something, companies should focus on persuading other people to buy the same thing. Once again, social proof works best when you rely on customer reviews rather than on subjective opinions.

Why Does Social Proof Work?

So why do we use social proof so much? Well, we all want reassurance that what we’re thinking is right. We also want to make sure that our choices match those of the majority. If the majority says it’s ok to eat Twinkies, then we should too.


According to David Dunning and Justin Kruger (1999), experts can influence us without having to present facts about their subject. In fact, expert advice doesn’t work very well either. Experts are usually seen as authorities, and people trust them because of how good they are at their jobs. But they won’t tell us anything about their expertise.

Instead, experts will provide information about why their opinions matter. They’ll give reasons why their recommendation is important and describe the benefits of following their advice. So instead of telling us that it’s okay to eat junk food, an expert advisor will say it’s wrong to do it. Experts make us believe that their recommendations are valuable because they offer a reason, we need to follow their advice.

This is called argumentation theory. And while it sounds complicated, it really isn’t. You can argue for any position. You can even use persuasive tactics to convince yourself that your point of view is correct.

To prove my point, let me tell you a story. Last year, we went to a party. One of the guests was dressed up in a Halloween costume. When he saw his wife, he said, “You wouldn’t understand.” She replied: “I hope someday you realize that I’m not dumb.” In this case, the husband tried to persuade his wife that she wasn’t dumb. He argued that her comment meant that she knew that he was smart, and that she just didn’t understand.


Consumer Behaviors

When companies want to persuade people to purchase their products, they need to carefully choose words and images that resonate with the audience. People don’t always behave logically. Some act impulsively. Others may base decisions on emotion.

When someone buys a pair of shoes at a store counter, he might not be aware of his decision-making process. However, researchers have studied consumer behaviors like buying decisions and found ways to predict if someone will buy a product. For instance, researchers found that customers who make impulse purchases are likely to be influenced by external factors: price, availability, convenience, and social pressure. Impulsive buyers can’t keep track of all those variables now. So, they end up making impulsive purchases because they’re too busy worrying about other things to pay attention to prices. On the other hand, thoughtful shoppers are more likely to weigh the pros and cons now and consider the long-term value of a product.

In fact, studies show that if people are given time to contemplate between visits to stores, they’re less likely to go back to the same place. And if they find out the reason the items were placed where they were, they’re more likely to remember them and come back later. There’s no single answer to the question “What influences people’s decisions?” The best marketing psychologists try to figure out which elements of the environment encourage distinct kinds of consumption.

For example, research shows that music affects the way we shop. When we hear songs that remind us of happy memories, we’re more likely to spend money on related products. On the other hand, sad songs trigger us to turn down the thermostat and reduce spending. Music can even impact moods. Researchers note that we tend to walk slower while listening to slow music and faster while listening to fast beats. These speeds up our pace when we walk outside or drive a car.

The right kind of advertising can also influence consumer behavior. A company can use eye tracking devices to see where consumers look during an ad. Eye tracking technology shows that women prefer short ads while men favor long ones. Men are usually drawn to the center of the screen and women to the sides. This makes sense because most advertisements feature people or animals located in the middle of the page. Men are often attracted to the male models in magazines and billboards. Women tend to gravitate toward animal shapes, such as dogs and cats. These shapes could be the basis for next year’s holiday gift boxes.

Consumer Emotions

Psychologists believe that happiness affects everyday life. People feel happier when they’re doing something they enjoy. For this reason, marketers sometimes target specific emotional states. They might design special packaging or print advertisements that elicit feelings of joy or sadness. Marketers also try to associate certain emotions with brands. For example, some brands evoke feelings of nostalgia (like Coca-Cola) while others invoke excitement (like McDonald’s).


Behavior, Marketing, Insights, Analytics, Behavior, Influence Behavior,

Marketing Psychology Principles That Influence Consumer Behavior

The following principles will help you understand and apply marketing psychology to your business.

1. Self-Perception – Consumers have self-image problems. They think their peers would judge them negatively if they tried the new brand of shampoo. But what the average person doesn’t realize is how much their perception matters. It determines whether they buy the new shampoo.

2. Social Pressure – We don’t like being around someone who has bad body odor. We avoid restaurants whose waitstaff smells bad. If our friends tell us they’ve bought the same brand of beer, it seems like everyone has suddenly decided to drink Bud Light.

3. Availability – Research suggests that people are more prone to purchase goods when they’re available—and fewer when they aren’t. Think about it like this: You have a bag full of groceries. You want to take two items home. Your first choice is a loaf of bread. You decide against it because there isn’t enough room in your bag.

4. Reputation – It’s difficult to get away from negative news stories. As soon as one pops up, it tends to stick around. This means that, if a customer finds out his favorite restaurant serves poorly prepared food, he won’t return.

5. Consistency – Our brains are hardwired to expect things to stay the same. If we see something every day, it makes sense that we’ll notice the changes in seasons. And if we eat at the same place every week, we assume it will taste the same each time.

6. Reciprocity – We’ll do anything to keep good customers happy. When a store offers a coupon for 10 percent off, many shoppers will go back just so they can use it.

7. Authority – When we hear an expert recommend a particular product, we tend to trust him. Think about the last time you heard your doctor make a recommendation. Chances are high that she was giving her opinion based on solid science.

8. Conformity –A lot of factors influence what we wear, but they all fall into four categories: peer pressure; the media; advertising; and personal preferences. Peer pressure is a crucial factor in fashion trends. Television and movies suggest what looks good and what doesn’t, which influences what we choose to wear. Advertising plays its part by influencing our perceptions of what is popular. Finally, we’re influenced by what we prefer ourselves.

9. Liking – We need to like a product before we’re willing to pay. That’s why most salespeople spend so much time convincing potential customers to try their products.

10. Expectations – Customers develop expectations about a brand based on previous experiences. When they encounter a brand, they haven’t used before, they may find themselves disappointed.

11. Personalization – We like to think of ourselves as unique individuals. If we’re aware of the fact that companies are trying to recognize our tastes, we may resent them.

12. Similarity – Most consumers consider themselves to be open-minded. In other words, they believe that anyone can be successful with the right training or support. They also believe that they would succeed if they had just been given a chance. So, if they see another person succeeding, they tend to assume that they too could become a success.

13. Scarcity –The key word here is scarcity. Consumers buy a limited number of products because they know that if they miss their opportunity, there won’t be any more of that item ever again.

14. Comparisons – When people compare equivalent products, they will often pick a different option than if they hadn’t compared. For example, if your friend asks how, you like the new iPhone 5S, you might say, “I’m not sure.” But if she says, “You’d have to ask my husband,” then you know exactly what you want.

15. Social Proof – People like to follow others who know what they’re doing. They also like to copy what they see other people doing. And when those people are seen buying a certain product, they’re likely to decide that it must be worth picking up.


Self-Fulfillment Prophecy

1. Self-Efficacy – If we believe we can succeed at something, we will feel better about trying.

2. Bandwagon Effect – We frequently follow others just to avoid looking like a loner.

3. Impression Management – We sometimes pretend to be someone we aren’t in order to fit in socially.

4. Fundamental Attribution Error – We overestimate what causes our own success and underestimate what causes failure.

5. Illusion of Control – We feel that we can control things even if it isn’t true.

6. Disconfirming Evidence Bias – We ignore negative evidence and focus only on positive data.

7. Illusory Truth Effect – We typically accept new facts if they confirm old beliefs.

8. Halo Effect – The influence of one person or thing on another influences our perception of them both.

9. Hindsight Bias – We think we know more now than we did then.

10. Anchoring Bias – We rely heavily on first impressions without considering all relevant data.

11. Optimism Bias – We overrate our chances of succeeding.

12. Wishful Thinking – We wish for something so badly that we convince ourselves it exists.

13. Selective Perception – We pay attention to some things while ignoring others.

14. Representativeness heuristic – We use examples that represent our social categories to make judgments.

15. Overconfidence Bias – Even though we usually perform well, we exaggerate our abilities.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

The most important thing to remember about marketing psychology is that it’s not magic. It doesn’t guarantee success, but it does provide insight into why some companies succeed and others fail. If you want to know what makes a product successful, look at its marketing.

If you want to know what sells well, study the products that sell well. To do so, analyze their marketing strategies. You can learn a lot from studying how companies’ market equivalent products. There are many types of marketing methods, including direct marketing, branding, advertising, public relations, sales promotions, pricing, discounts, etc. Companies frequently borrow each other’s ideas and practices. By doing so, they create synergies. They also help themselves become more efficient and effective.

In your marketing plan, think about what type of message you want to convey. What kind of emotion do you want to bring to your audience? How do you want them to feel? Think about the benefits you offer and the problems you solve. If your brand has an image concern, you need to change that image. If your company was once considered innovative and innovative, then it’s time to prove it again. There is no substitute for great content. There are plenty of websites around that offer free information, but nothing beats original content created by real experts. Consumers who have already heard dreadful things about your product are less likely to purchase it. In fact, they are much more likely to tell their friends and family about those negative experiences. Conducting market research and testing consumer behavior is extremely important for all types of businesses. However, there are specific benefits associated with doing so in ecommerce.

Color Psychology

There are many ways to apply color psychology to marketing. For example, if you want to encourage someone to buy something, you could use colors that evoke feelings of happiness, success, or excitement. Reciprocity works because humans don’t always behave rationally. We don’t consciously decide whether we should spend money on ourselves or donate to charity. Instead, we subconsciously make decisions based on experience.

There are many ways to apply color psychology to marketing. For example, if you want to encourage someone to buy something, you could use colors that evoke feelings of happiness, success, or excitement. Reciprocity works because humans don’t always behave rationally. We don’t consciously decide whether we should spend money on ourselves or donate to charity. Instead, we subconsciously make decisions based on experience. This can be good or bad, depending on whether you offer something people will like and that they can afford. It isn’t always easy to pick the right color scheme or make the correct choice when it comes to color psychology and marketing, but the good news is that you don’t have to be a graphic designer to make a few easy changes to your images or create campaigns that take advantage of color psychology.

Why Colors Affect Your Website

Even though you may not be a professional content marketer or designer, the use of colors on your website can affect the way people perceive your brand and whether they choose to buy from you. If you want to improve your online visibility, you need to make sure your website uses colors that will help rather than hinder your marketing efforts.

The color of your website background is one of the first things people notice.

If you want to get them to act, make sure it is a color that will motivate them. Colors can make people feel a certain way. The feeling associated with a color can either work in your favor or deter users from viewing your site. This is true for Google as well. It is a known fact that Google prioritizes sites with a high-quality design because clever design is a sign of a quality site.


Marketing, Insights, Analytics, Business Intelligence, Psychology, Analytics

The Power of “Yes”

As a marketer, it’s essential to know what motivates people to act. Research shows that the most powerful motivation comes from believing something will happen if they agree to it. This leads to a phenomenon called self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, a person who believes he has a high chance of passing a test might study harder than someone who doesn’t believe he’ll pass. In this case, the first person increases his chances of success by studying more.

The more that person believes in the power of challenging work, the more that belief becomes a reality.

In addition to motivating your users to act, using this technique facilitates social proof, as people are more likely to do something if others agree to it as well. Another powerful technique is to offer a time-sensitive deal. When there is a limited time to take advantage of an offer, people are more likely to act because they don’t want to lose out. The same goes for marketing. If people believe in your product, they’ll agree to it more often.

Furthermore, research shows that when a person believes an action will lead to a positive result, that result is likely to happen. Does this mean we can use the power of “yes” to make everyone believe we’re a successful business? No, not necessarily. There are still limitations and obstacles that can get in the way.

But the “yes” factor certainly gives us a huge advantage in our business.

Decisions Are Emotional

People tend to make decisions based on emotion rather than logic. Marketers can tap into this by creating emotional connections between their brand and its audience. For example, if a company makes a product that helps people lose weight, it might try to tie the product to feelings like happiness or freedom. This will encourage customers to believe that the product will make them happy and free. Using these techniques allows consumers to relate to your product emotionally. And since emotions have a stronger impact on decision-making than rational thinking, this technique works wonders.

Another tactic is to create a sense of urgency around a purchase. People need to be motivated to buy now, so they won’t miss an opportunity. When marketers make offers available only for short periods of time (like one week), people are far more inclined to act.

Similarly, if the offer is for a limited number of units, people are more likely to act. But the most effective strategy is to combine both elements. For example, if the promotion is only for a limited number of units and the deadline is approaching quickly, people will start acting before the deadline passes.

This type of combination creates urgency and builds anticipation. It also emphasizes how much value your product provides. Because people feel anxious about missing this great deal, they’ll be more willing to say yes to your product. By combining all three methods—motivation, social proof, and urgency—you increase the likelihood that a consumer will do what you want her to.


The most common way marketing psychologists use psychology is by creating messages that appeal to consumers’ emotions and motivations. Marketers can use this knowledge to design advertisements that encourage people to act in certain ways, like buying a product or signing up for a service. This approach has become known as “emotional branding.”

For instance, suppose you plan to hold a grand opening party for a new restaurant, but haven’t yet hired staff members for the event. You may post fliers with pictures of smiling employees, enticing words, and the promise of a delicious meal. These ads would work well, right? Not really! They wouldn’t encourage enough people to attend the event. Why? Because the ads appeal mostly to rational thought.

What you should do instead is find a few motivational slogans and place them near where the invitations go. Instead of saying “Come join us for food and fun,” say “Let’s eat together!” This message appeals to emotions rather than rational thought. As a result, people would be far more likely to sign up for your party. The same thing goes for other types of motivation-based advertising: if you want to get people to visit your website, don’t advertise that you sell shoes. Rather, focus on the features of your site, such as how easy it is to navigate and how well it converts browsers into buyers.



The most important thing to remember when it comes to marketing psychology is that it’s not magic. It doesn’t guarantee success; it just gives us another tool in our arsenal. We learn best through practice, and we can use marketing psychology to help us figure out how to convey information effectively. That said, here are some tips to keep in mind while trying to communicate via images, videos, text, and other media:

• Be creative. Use different formats like cartoons, infographics, or animated GIFs to teach people things they wouldn’t learn otherwise. When using a video, play around with different camera angles to give viewers different perspectives on your subject.

• Focus on the big picture. Don’t forget about details—they’re essential too. Consider the context surrounding a topic to understand why it’s relevant. Then, highlight those aspects of the topic in your content.

• Think about who you’re talking to. Are you trying to persuade an audience of 10-year-olds? Or are you aiming to convince CEOs of tech companies in Silicon Valley? Know who you’re speaking to before you start writing, because their understanding of subjects will affect how receptive they’ll be to your ideas.

• Keep it short. People have limited attention spans, so make sure what you share isn’t overwhelming. Stick to one point per paragraph or two and try to avoid long blocks of text.



The reinforcement model of marketing focuses on the idea that people will act in ways that increase their chances of receiving rewards. This includes both tangible rewards (such as money) and intangible rewards (like social status). Marketers use this theory to encourage people to engage in certain behaviors. For example, if you want someone to stop smoking, you might give them free cigarettes. If you want someone to eat healthier, you could offer them discounts at restaurants they like. Reinforcement also plays a role in persuasion. A person who has a powerful desire to eat healthy foods might choose to purchase organic products because she knows that eating organically makes her more attractive to potential mates.

In general, people tend to associate positive outcomes (good health, excellent job prospects) with certain actions (eating healthy foods, exercising), whereas negative consequences (illness, unemployment) are associated with other actions. So, by linking the reward of a behavior with an action, marketers can influence consumers to perform certain behaviors. However, there are limits to reinforcement marketing. For example, even though giving away free candy might help kids quit smoking, it won’t prevent teenagers from starting drinking alcohol. Similarly, offering money to people to lose weight may work for a few weeks, but it won’t motivate them to continue losing weight. Another problem is that sometimes people don’t necessarily associate their desired outcome with the specific action they take. As a result, they end up performing a different action instead.

For example, people who want to improve themselves often set goals such as “become smarter” or “increase my GPA.” But these goals aren’t always related to academic performance. So, if a student wants to become smarter, she might study harder in school, which will indirectly lead to better grades. On the other side, if a teacher believes that students must achieve high GPAs to get into college, he might focus less on teaching his class and spend more time grading papers. Both strategies would lead to higher GPAs. However, only one strategy—studying hard—would improve the student’s intelligence.


The social media landscape has changed dramatically since the early days of Facebook. Today, most users spend at least some amount of time on social networks like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, and others. In fact, many companies now rely heavily on social media marketing to reach customers. Most of us do not make decisions independently. Instead, we rely heavily on others when choosing our next steps, especially in situations where we feel uncertain or overwhelmed. Social influence works similarly to reinforcement, except that it refers to peer pressure and the power of group norms rather than individual incentives. In fact, many studies suggest that people are more likely to comply with requests made by groups of peers.

The reason: individuals assume that everyone else around them is behaving according to social norms, and they follow suit.

Marketing communications have traditionally focused on products and services. Yet, today there are far more communication channels through which people interact with each other. This diversity poses challenges for brands because messages sent via traditional channels cannot be equally effective across all communication platforms. Even worse, most businesses ignore non-traditional ones altogether. To stay competitive, marketers need to design compelling content for multiple media and integrate this innovative approach into their overall marketing mix.

Some of the latest research shows that it takes about 6 seconds for your brain to register a feeling of disgust toward a product. After you see a product on TV or read about it in a magazine, your brain already starts processing whether you like it or not. And if you don’t like it, you’re much more likely to avoid spending money on it.

When you enter a store, look at the products on display and how they look – does a particular style make you feel good? Does it give off the right energy? You also need to check out the prices. If you find it difficult to choose between two related items, try looking at how much you usually pay for things of that type. You’ll feel more comfortable purchasing an item that costs less.

A study conducted by researchers from Harvard University found that the smell of food influences whether people eat it. The results showed that people were 20 percent more likely to purchase fruits and vegetables after smelling them compared to smells that didn’t trigger hunger.



The most common way to model marketing decisions is by using mathematical equations. For example, if we want to know what the optimal price should be for a product, we could look at the demand function and find the point where it intersects with the supply curve. This gives us an equilibrium price. Similarly, we might want to know whether advertising will increase sales or not. In this case, we would compare the profit generated from advertising with the cost of advertising. If the profit exceeds the cost, then advertising increases profits; otherwise, it doesn’t.

The primary goal behind this kind of modeling is prediction – predicting what will happen because of specific choices. But just because something can be predicted doesn’t mean it necessarily should be done. Sometimes, making predictions is the wrong thing to do. As Albert Einstein once said, “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” Making predictions based on experience only leads to incremental improvements, but not revolutionary advancements. At best, these kinds of models can help you understand what will happen under certain conditions. They don’t tell you why those conditions exist in the first place.

It’s important to realize that “marketing” doesn’t always refer to direct promotion. It can include anything that involves communicating a company’s brand values or core competencies. These may take the form of slogans, customer support, social media posts, website copy, visual elements such as logos and packaging, employee training programs, newsletters, brochures, catalogs, advertisements, sales materials, and so on.

The word ‘brand’ has become increasingly popular over recent years, and its popularity is growing every year. Many companies are now paying attention to branding, but few really understand what it means. What does it mean to be branded? Is it even possible to be branded? Or, more importantly, what is the difference between being branded and simply having a logo?

In the early 1960s, when General Electric introduced their new car, Buick Riviera, they used three different sets of color combinations: pink, blue, and yellow. After the initial reaction was favorable, G.E. decided to test other colors. When they did another round of testing, they discovered that the pink-blue combination was disliked, while the yellow-pink combination was liked even better. So, they went back to the drawing board and produced yet another set of colors. The result of all this experimentation produced a set of colors that looked great together: orange, green, and purple.

To get your audience interested in reading your content, you must create a compelling headline. A unique headline catches readers’ attention and encourages them to continue reading. You may think that headlines are limited to 30 characters, however, there are exceptions such as TechCrunch which publishes how-to articles that often have much longer titles.



The most important thing to remember when marketing anything is that it’s not just what you say but how you say it. If you want to increase sales, you should always consider the way you communicate. For example, if you’re selling something online, you might want to consider how many words you use per page. This will influence whether customers perceive your product as being high quality or cheap.

While there are usually two sides to any story, we’ve found that most brands with stories tend to fall into one of two categories: those who focus hard on telling their own side of the story (usually using a human narrator), and those who prefer to let others take center stage (using an omniscient third person point of view).

A good rule of thumb for creating a memorable slogan is to keep it short. In general, you shouldn’t need more than sixty characters to convey meaning effectively. And while you don’t need to limit yourself to one phrase, you should avoid long phrases made up of multiple clauses unless you know exactly what you’re trying to say. Although it’s true that a lot of people still haven’t heard about this term, it’s becoming increasingly common throughout the business world. Marketers use the technique to make sure that the message gets through loud and clear to potential buyers. Some examples of the uses of storytelling are:

Marketing professionals learn the importance of understanding consumer attitudes and behaviors by watching television shows and movies. They see how marketers tell stories to appeal to consumers. By studying successful commercial messages, marketing agencies gain valuable insights into effective ways to connect with audiences. According to the marketing expert David Ogilvy, marketing isn’t magic, it’s just a series of clever tricks. To be successful, these smart strategies must come from research. One study showed that the single greatest predictor of purchase intention is price, followed by trustworthiness, then brand awareness, and finally advertising exposure.


Attitudes and Beliefs

The most common marketing strategy is advertising. Advertising has been around since ancient times, but it was not until the 20th century that mass media became widespread. In the 21st century, digital media has become increasingly popular. Digital media includes websites, social networks, apps, video games, and other online platforms. With all these options, it can be difficult to choose which medium is right for you. However, when it comes to marketing, no matter which type of media you decide to use, the most important part of your campaign is your target market.

The target market is the group of consumers to which you want to market your product. Before you decide which type of digital media to use, you should know what your target market is and how to reach them. Because of the rise of digital media and the number of different platforms it offers, reaching the target market is often easier than it has ever been. The internet has allowed for niche marketing, which means that it is easier than ever for businesses to target consumers in specific, unique markets.

Think of your campaign like a television show. If you are creating a show, you need to ask yourself who you are trying to sell your show to. It is the same thing when creating a marketing campaign. First, you need to figure out who you are trying to sell your product to. Once you know, you can then design your campaign to reach them. The most important part of any campaign is making sure your message is right for your market. If you are marketing to teenagers, do not use a message that is aimed at adults. It will simply not work. You should also include yourself in your marketing campaign as much as possible. When creating a campaign, sit down and think about your product and how you feel about it. Think about how you would describe it to someone else. Then, incorporate that in your advertisement.



The goal of marketing is to persuade people to buy a product or service. However, marketers cannot simply use facts to make their case; they also need to understand how psychology impacts consumer behavior. By understanding the various psychological factors that influence decision-making, marketers can create more effective marketing campaigns that appeal to consumers on a deeper level. By understanding the different psychological factors that influence consumer decision-making, businesses can create more effective marketing campaigns that are more likely to result in increased sales.

Additionally, by understanding the various stages of the consumer decision-making process, businesses can create a more effective sales funnel that will result in more customers purchasing their products or services.



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