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Market Research for Small and Medium Enterprises

Market Research for Small and Medium Enterprises Do you want to find out if your product/service idea is viable before investing money into it? If you are thinking of starting a new company or launching a new product or service but don’t quite know where to start, then you need to do market research. Market […]

The NFT Revolution

The NFT Revolution
The NFT revolution

NFT is the future of the trading industry. The future of trading is coming. I want to talk to you about the new phenomenon in the trading world.

So what are NFTs? NFTs are non-fungible tokens. It means that they are not interchangeable. It means that they are specific for one purpose. Most NFTs are digital assets, meaning they are assets that exist purely in a digital form; they are strings of computer code. This is not like Bitcoin which has the physical coin.

NFTs are not replacing fiat currency it is more about giving people options. With these new tokens, traders can do transactions that are more secure.

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Social Listening

7 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Social Listening What Is Exactly Social Listening? Social listening is the most essential and fundamental method for digital marketing. Listening allows a brand to understand and improve its brand in a targeted way fully. Listening is the process of monitoring the social media platform and the conversations or […]

Big Data | Small Business

Big Data | Small Business What does Big data mean to you? Big Data has become increasingly important because it allows us to analyze large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. What is the difference between streaming and batch processing? To understand the difference between big data and small data, we first need to look […]

Location Intelligence: The New Frontier for Data-Driven Success

Do you want to optimize Google Ads campaigns? Are you looking for ways to improve personalization? In this article, you’ll learn how location analytics helps advertisers manage their ad inventory, increase conversions, and identify potential new customers at the store level. Google’s Location & Shopping product has been around since 2011 but until recently was […]

The 7-Step Process for Captivating Content Marketing

The 7-Step Process for Captivating Content Marketing How often have you seen content marketing efforts fall flat because there was no real strategy behind them? If you want to improve your chances of success, you need to plan and follow a structured process from start to finish. Content marketing is a significant part of online […]

Social – The Most Important Trend

People talk in a language called social. And the language is quickly becoming a superpower in marketing and online influence. Twitter has become a chat room, YouTube a video conferencing site, Facebook a social newspaper. The most important thing you can do to maximize success is to learn how to take advantage of the force of social.

Check out the interactive workbook.