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A Complete Guide to A Successful Brand Positioning Strategy

A Complete Guide to A Successful Brand Positioning

The first step in positioning a brand is to determine who your target audience is and what they want from your product or service. This will guide you in determining the brand’s promise and values. Once you know this information, you can begin to develop a strategy for communicating those messages to your target audiences through all available channels.

Target Audience: Who Are You Trying to Reach?

Think about the people you have met, heard about, seen on television, read about, etc., who could be interested in your business. The more specific you get, the better your results will be, because you are narrowing down your focus. For example, if you own a restaurant, think about the types of patrons that visit your establishment. If you sell software, think about the type of clients you hope to attract. It may help to use some form of research to identify these groups of potential customers and prospects.

Competition: What Is Your Competitor Doing That Works?

After you have identified your primary audience, the next step in positioning is to define your competitor. How do their advertisement messages compare with yours? What do their products and services look like? Where do they advertise? What marketing strategies work best for them?

Desired Position: How Should You Be Different?

Now that you have defined both your audience and your competition, you must decide where in the market your brand should stand out. What distinguishes it from everyone else? When considering the answer to this question, remember to consider the separate ways in which consumers hear your message. Do you want to be known as “the cheapest” or “the most reliable?” Will you compete on price alone or offer something additional that makes up for the lower cost? These questions and others need to be answered.

What is Brand Positioning?

The first step in creating a brand strategy is to define what you want to achieve. This should include everything from the overall positioning of the brand (what does it stand for?) to the specific positioning of each product or service within the company’s portfolio. Once this has been defined, the next step is to understand who will be using the brand and why. Finally, once you know who your customers are, you must determine where they are in the buying cycle. Positioning Can Change Over Time. As markets change over time, brands often evolve to reflect the new climate. Some companies even embrace the changes and reposition themselves based upon changing customer preferences.

Brand Strategy Development Process

Once you have determined who you are trying to reach and how you plan to differentiate yourself, you must create an effective strategy that communicates your position clearly and persuasively while being consistent across all channels. Before developing any advertising campaign, there are several steps that should be considered before beginning the process.

Branding, Brand, Brands, Value, Trust, Marketing, Business, Strategy, Insights

Identifying Target Audiences/Marketing Research

When attempting to communicate a brand’s position, it is critical to understand who the audience is and what they expect from a particular brand. While many marketers find this difficult, understanding one’s audience can lead to greater success in reaching those individuals and increasing sales. To effectively communicate a brand’s position, businesses need to fully understand the different target audiences, including demographics, psychographics, and lifestyle characteristics. Also, marketers must understand the competitive landscape – identifying the strengths and weaknesses of existing and potential competitors. Finally, marketers must conduct extensive market research to ensure that the messaging of the brand accurately reflects the nature of its target audiences.

Developing a Vision Statement

A vision statement is a clear and concise description of the intended outcome for a brand or group of brands. It serves as a framework for decisions made by key stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the brand.

Understanding Customer Needs & Wants

Brands must identify the exact wants and needs of their target audience. Companies can use surveys and focus groups to gain insight into these areas. Based upon the findings, they can develop a list of attributes that best describe their ideal clients.

Understanding Market Trends

Market trends and research can help guide business leaders in determining whether a brand should move forward with a certain marketing initiative or not. Trends such as changing attitudes toward environmental issues, technological advances, and cultural shifts can influence branding processes. For example, if a brand is perceived as socially responsible, it would be better suited to promoting green products.

Creating a Unique Value Proposition

Companies must also understand the benefits they provide to their target audience in order to establish a strong position. The idea behind establishing a unique value proposition is ensuring that consumers see why a company offers something special. It should clearly define what makes a product superior to others on the market. Additionally, it should convey the uniqueness of the offering and how it will benefit customers.

Researching Competitors

Competitor analysis is essential for identifying opportunities and threats. Comparing related products allows brands to determine how well-positioned they are relative to competitors. In addition, it helps identify areas where improvements can be made. This information can then be used to develop strategies for future growth.

Conducting Competitive Analysis

To determine how well-situated a brand is in relation to its competitors, marketers need to compare them against each other. They do so through competitive assessments that measure three aspects: strength, breadth, and depth. These are referred to as the 3S’s. Strength refers to the overall size of the competitor’s share in the marketplace. Breadth measures the number of distinct categories in which competitors operate. Depth examines the degree of differentiation between the companies.

Developing an Identity

Once a brand has been positioned, businesses need to create an identity for it. An identity is the personality and characteristics that make it distinctive. It communicates what people want when they think about a brand.

An effective brand identity should include several components. One component focuses on the logo. Logos should be memorable and easily recognized. They should be designed with simplicity and consistency while remaining visually engaging. They should be able to communicate the message of a brand effectively. Brands should strive to have a consistent visual theme across all platforms. Another major component of a brand is the tagline. It should be short, concise, and powerful. It should summarize a brand’s purpose and deliver a sharp vision into the minds of its target audiences. It should be relevant to the type of goods or services offered by the company. Finally, it should be easily pronounceable.

Why is brand positioning important?

Brand positioning is one of the most overlooked aspects of marketing strategy. It’s not just about what you say, it’s about who you say it to. The right people will hear your message and respond positively. Therefore, it’s crucial to know your customers and understand their needs. Your brand identity should reflect this knowledge and help you connect with potential customers more effectively.

The importance of brand positioning cannot be overstated. If you don’t get the basics down, your efforts will go nowhere fast. That means that if you don’t know who you’re talking to and what you’re saying, you won’t get anywhere. You might even end up wasting money advertising to the wrong people. To ensure success, brands need to pay close attention to their positioning. This explains why positioning has become such an integral part of any marketing plan today. With the increasing number of companies competing in every industry, there is no room for errors. Companies must clearly define where they want to stand to succeed. And the best way to do so is through positioning.

Key elements of brand positioning:

What does your business offer?

Who is it for?

How are you different from your competitors?

Why should someone buy your goods/services?

How will you sell them?

How can you differentiate yourself from other businesses in your niche?

What makes you special?

Who are you?

What’s your story?

Do you have a LinkedIn page?

Brand Positioning Framework — What You Need

The brand positioning framework helps you think through all three components of brand positioning. It provides a toolkit for thinking about each component and gives you a way to evaluate your current positioning.

Improve Brand Positioning

The first step in improving brand positioning is understanding what makes your brand different from the competition. This will require some research into your company’s history, products, services, and marketing. Once this information has been gathered, it should be used to develop a strategy for positioning your brand.

Find a powerful brand positioning

The first step in finding a brand’s positioning is to understand who you want to reach and what they want from your product or service. This will help you determine which attributes matter most to them. Once you know this information, you can begin to think about the brand’s promise and values. Finally, once you have all three pieces of information, you can start thinking about the brand’s position in the market. You may not be able to define a brand’s position at this point, but you should have enough information to move forward.

The following types of positioning strategies are used by brands:

Positioning strategy – This involves creating a distinctive image for a product or service that differentiates it from others in the marketplace. It may involve developing a new product or service, changing the way a current product or service is offered, or modifying the existing product or service to appeal to a specific group of consumers.

Brand architecture – This refers to the overall structure of a brand, including all aspects of its design, marketing, and communications. It includes the brand name, logo, tagline, color palette, visual elements, tone of voice, and advertising and promotional materials.

Service Positioning Strategy

The customer service team is often the first point of contact for customers. It’s essential that this team has a clear understanding of what they stand for and why they exist. This will allow them to provide a consistent, high – quality service across all channels. The service position must also serve as a foundation for any other positions that might be established.

A good example of a service-based positioning strategy is Southwest Airlines. They offer inexpensive fares and on-time flights. But they go beyond offering cheap airfare; they offer excellent service and customer care. This positioning strategy allows them to offer more than just an airline. It’s also positioned them as a reliable transportation option.

Product Positioning Strategy

Brands sell their products and services for a variety of reasons. Some companies sell them because they believe their products solve problems people face every day. Others sell them because they want to contribute something positive to society. Still others sell because they believe in the benefits of their product or service. Regardless of reason, all brands need to be aware of how to position their products. When deciding upon a positioning strategy, it’s important to keep in mind what your product or service does. For example, if you sell shoes, then you could position yourself as “the shoe store for women.” Or, if you sell computers, then you could position your business as “your one – stop shop for all computer related needs.” These are examples of product positioning strategies.

There are two common ways to position a product or service:

Price positioning – This type of positioning strategy focuses on price. Your goal here is to offer goods and/or services at the lowest possible cost.

Differentiation positioning – Differentiation positioning focuses on differentiation. This means that instead of competing on price, you compete on some aspect of the product or service that sets it apart from the competition. For instance, a company with a high profit margin could position itself as “an alternative to traditional retail stores.”

While these two positioning strategies are commonly used, there are many others available. To learn more about positioning strategies, read this article on How to Define a Brand’s Positioning Strategy.

Value Proposition Positioning Strategy

This strategy differs slightly from the previous ones because it’s focused on the value or benefit the customer receives by using the product or service. Most companies use a combination of pricing and differentiation positioning strategies. However, the key focus is still on the value proposition. This strategy focuses on the value customers receive by buying from the company. You can think of a value proposition as being like the value statement in a purchase order (PO). Instead of focusing on the features and capabilities of the product or service, the value proposition states the benefits the customer gains. It tells the buyer exactly what she gets by purchasing the item.


The first step in developing a differentiation strategy is to understand what makes your product different from others in the marketplace. This may include understanding the competitive landscape, the customer profile, the marketing environment, and the business model. Once you know what sets your company apart, you can begin to develop a strategy that will differentiate your brand.

Once you have developed a strategy, you need to decide how to communicate it to customers. This will depend on the type of product or service being sold and the channel through which it is delivered. For example, if you’re selling an offline product like a book or CD, you won’t use a website as a means of communication. However, if you’re delivering the same product online, then you might choose to do so. This section contains sample branding strategies that illustrate numerous ways to differentiate a brand using the four main components of brand positioning (promise, values, identity, and position). The first example illustrates how a brand can create a strong position in the market by providing a distinct promise to consumers. Another example shows how a brand can leverage its core values to ensure that these remain clear throughout the lifecycle of the brand. Finally, the third example provides an illustration of how a brand can build a strong position by developing a compelling identity. The final example highlights how a brand can utilize its position by communicating the benefits of their products or services to consumers in a meaningful way.


customers to seek out brands with a clear message. They want to believe the brand stands for something. To honestly believe that there’s a difference between the branded version of a product and other competing versions, the consumer must see some evidence that the brand exists beyond simply believing that it does. A brand’s promise is central to the way in which it communicates itself to consumers. If the promise becomes unclear or misunderstood, the brand is vulnerable to losing credibility with consumers.

A fitting example of a brand with a clearly defined promise is Apple Computer Inc. Based on Steve Jobs’ philosophy of “Think Different,” Apple computers are designed to be easy-to-use, intuitive, and beautiful. Their promise is simple: we will think differently about technology. Other companies compete based on features like speed, capacity, compatibility, reliability, and price. Apple created a new category of products with a focus on simplicity, elegance, and style. Consumers identify themselves with the Apple brand because it offers a distinctive experience, one that is not available elsewhere. In fact, Apple’s success has been built upon creating a clear promise around elegant simplicity and high-quality design.


Many people mistakenly assume that all businesses strive to deliver the best possible products or services at the lowest cost. But this isn’t always true. Companies sometimes produce more than they can sell, while other companies attempt to cut costs without sacrificing quality. What distinguishes successful businesses is their ability to create a value proposition that resonates with consumers, thereby making them loyal customers who come back time after time.

A good example of a brand that can deliver exceptional value for its customers is Whole Foods Market. As opposed to traditional supermarkets, where the primary goal is to provide low prices, Whole Foods wants to offer healthy foods and support local farmers. Although most shoppers would agree that fresh food tastes better than over – processed food, the grocery industry makes a lot of money by selling enormous quantities of food. By focusing exclusively on offering only the highest-quality ingredients, Whole Foods creates a value proposition that differentiates it from conventional stores. Its high-end reputation serves as proof that it doesn’t compromise its standards just to attract business.

The company continues to expand at a rapid pace, partly due to the growing demand for organic foods. It also enjoys high customer satisfaction ratings, which demonstrates the positive impact it has had on the health of its customer base. Whole Foods operates under the motto, “Food should be joyful” and strives to educate consumers about healthy living through unique events such as cooking demonstrations, tastings, and workshops. These activities allow the company to share tips on how to incorporate wholesome foods into everyday meals. It’s no surprise that the company consistently ranks among Fortune magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For. The company’s commitment to environmental sustainability is another reason consumers choose to shop there; it takes responsibility for preserving natural resources and promoting green lifestyles. Since 1994, the company has donated more than $100 million to charitable organizations. Whole Foods Market even won an award for Business Leadership in Sustainable Development (BLSD) in 2008.

There are so many brands out there, but it’s hard to find one that speaks to you. Which is exactly what makes branding so challenging. You must really know yourself and your business to figure out what is going to work best for you!

Brands, Branding, Build Brand, Logo, Authentic, Marketing, Segmentation, Insights, Business

Positioning Strategy

The quality-based positioning strategy is one of the most effective ways to position a brand. It has three parts:

Define what makes your product different from others.

Develop a story around this differentiation.

Create a strong emotional connection between your brand and your customers. This approach helps brands stand out from the crowd by creating a clear message and a compelling narrative.

What Are Differentiation Strategies?

When it comes to understanding what makes your product different, it is extremely helpful if you define two things – why it matters to your users and what benefits it provides to customers. Once you have defined these two aspects, the rest becomes easier. You will need to look at each aspect thoroughly before deciding whether it is something that could help you differentiate your brand from those already present on the market. Remember that the purpose behind differentiation strategies is not to compete with other similar brands. Rather, you want to ensure that your brand stands apart from the crowd.

By using the right differentiation strategies, you will become a strong brand in your niche. If you don’t do anything else, that alone will set you apart from all the other companies in your sector.

Here are some examples of differentiation strategies:

Price differentiation strategy

Product differentiation strategy

Service / delivery differentiation strategy

Company culture differentiation strategy

Innovation differentiation strategy

Human capital differentiation strategy

Geographical differentiation strategy

Brand differentiation strategy

Customer segmentation differentiation strategy

Social media differentiation strategy

Price Based Positioning Strategy

The price-based strategy is one of the most common approaches used by brands to position their products. It involves setting prices at diverse levels to achieve a specific profit margin. This approach is often used by retailers who want to attract consumers who are willing to pay higher prices. For example, Apple has positioned itself as a premium product through its unaffordable prices. Similarly, luxury goods such as Louis Vuitton purses are also priced high due to their reputation as a quality product. Another example would be Amazon’s Kindle Paper white e-book reader which was sold at $114.99. On the other hand, Samsung sells its Galaxy phones at an affordable pricing level but offers premium features at an expensive cost. In this case, the company has positioned itself as a mid-range smartphone while Nokia focuses on lower middle range smartphones.

Brand image-based positioning strategy

This type of strategy is like a price-based positioning strategy. However, it is more focused on branding rather than marketing. Companies use images to create awareness about their products. For instance, Apple creates consumer interest with its sleek design, colorful packaging, and sophisticated user interface. Nike markets itself as a sports brand by highlighting the benefits of sports training and physical activities. The company promotes its athletic shoes to athletes and non-athletes alike.

User based strategy

In this type of strategy, companies focus on meeting the specific requirements of their customers. They do not intend to reach out to all potential users. Instead, they aim to please certain groups of people. Some companies have started focusing on niche markets such as women, men, young adults, students, etc. These companies have a larger number of loyal customers. Microsoft targets small businesses and individuals who need business solutions using the Windows operating system. By targeting these customers, the company can generate additional revenue from services and support.

Market share-based strategy

In this approach, firms strive to attain a competitive advantage by increasing their market share in the relevant industry. As a result, they compete against other firms within the same category to increase their share of the market. An airline company may choose to provide cheap flights because there are many travelers looking for inexpensive travel options. Since airlines cannot afford to lose money when flying low, they will always try to reduce costs. Firms that lack financial resources and/or technological ability find themselves unable to compete with big players who possess these advantages. Market leaders usually enjoy a significant lead over smaller rivals. Market share-based strategies are usually seen in industries where there are few competitors. For example, in the early 20th century, only two car manufacturers existed: Ford Motor Company (USA) and General Motors Corporation (USA). Both companies dominated the automobile market until Henry Ford created the Model T. Positioning is a multidisciplinary field. While some fields such as psychology, neuroscience, sociology and linguistics deal with consumers’ preferences, others like economics, management science, engineering deal with economic aspects of positioning and marketing. Marketing departments tend to focus heavily on understanding the customers’ needs and demands while developing innovative products. Advertising agencies help companies define their message and develop their corporate image. Research institutes study how consumers perceive brands and develop communication strategies. This article focuses on three primary areas of research related to positioning: customer segmentation, positioning analysis and brand development.

Customer Segmentation

Consumers go shopping for several types of goods and services in the marketplace. This section presents an overview of the different approaches used to classify them into segments. Customer segmentation refers to the process of classifying customers according to similar characteristics so that communications can be tailored to each group. Each segment has its own set of beliefs, attitudes and behaviors toward a particular product or service. Customers are classified into various segments based on their common characteristics. Customer segmentation is a very practical method of dividing customers up into discrete groups. It helps marketers understand which characteristics are most attractive to each group of customers. The information gathered through segmentation can assist companies in designing more effective marketing campaigns. Segmentation also allows them to identify trends in consumer buying patterns. In addition, they can determine how well their current advertising efforts appeal to any given segment.

There are four main approaches used to divide customers into segments: homogeneous, heterogeneous, hybrid and statistical segmentation. Homogeneous segmentation involves drawing sharp distinctions between the members of one segment. Heterogeneous segmentation draws fewer clear lines between segments. Hybrid segmentation combines both homogenous and heterogeneous segmentations. Statistical segmentation uses mathematical models to create categories out of groups that have certain similarities but not all.

Heterogeneous Segments

Heterogeneous segments differ from homogeneous ones in at least two ways:

The differences between them are vague, and

They contain members who do not fit neatly into one group. Therefore, heterogeneous segments are often called fuzzy or indistinct. They cannot be easily distinguished from one another by a single characteristic.

However, their distinguishing features are obvious enough to allow marketers to differentiate among them. Some examples of heterogeneous segments include gender, race, income level, age group, occupation, and geography.

The following are examples of heterogeneous segments:

Gender – Women and men.

Race – Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.

Income Level – High-income households, low-income households, middle-income households.

Age Group – Young adults, older adults, teenagers.

Occupation – Professors, teachers, lawyers, salespeople, waiters/waitresses, janitors.

Geography – Small towns, rural communities, large cities, suburbs.

Hybrid Segments

A hybrid segment is formed by combining characteristics from multiple segments. For example, the segments for males aged 25–34 could be combined to form a new segment called “young male workers.”

Statistical Segments

Statistical segmentation creates distinct sets of people based on numerical data rather than psychological dimensions. For example, if you want to know whether there are different interests among consumers who live in New York City versus those who live in suburban areas, you will use this approach. Your analysis might reveal that your customers living in New York City tend to shop for clothes, while those living in the suburbs prefer to purchase electronics. By using statistical methods, you can then segment customers into subgroups based on specific demographics such as age, gender, education level, marital status, and household size.

Social Media Positioning Strategy

The social media strategy should include the following:

Identify the type of content you want to share (e.g., photos, videos, text)

Determine who will be sharing the content (i.e., followers/followers, friends, family members, etc.)

Create a schedule for posting content

Develop a plan for responding to comments, likes, and shares

Build relationships with influencers

Use hashtags

Measure engagement

Monitor analytics

Analyze results

Identify your unique value proposition

The first step in positioning a brand is to define what makes it different from the competition. What does it offer that others don’t? This is called identifying your unique value proposition (UVP). Your UVP should answer three questions:

Why should I care?

Who will benefit most?

And what problem does this solve?

Here are some examples:

Brand Name: “America’s Best Home Repair Service”

Unique Value Proposition:

• We provide superior service at a great price.

• You’ll always receive reliable service.

Target Audience: Consumers looking for quality home repairs.

Benefit: Save time and money.

Solution: Our team of professional technicians provides quality services at affordable prices.

Brand Name: Pepsi Classic

Unique Value Proposition: A classic taste that never goes out of style.

Target Audience: Millennials.

Benefit: An authentic taste in an industry where authenticity is rare.

Solution: The best tasting soft drink on the planet.

Note: It is essential that the UVP be easily understood by the target audience, as well as any potential buyers. If the target audience doesn’t understand the benefits, they won’t buy the product.

Define your brand personality

Once you have identified your UVP, you need to develop a brand personality, which defines the key elements that distinguish your brand from others.

These key elements may include:

• Purpose

• Focus

• Promise

• Values

• Emotional Appeal

• Position

• Identity


What is your brand purpose? Why do you exist? This is often referred to as your company’s mission statement; however, it is more than just words on paper. If your brand has a strong sense of purpose, people feel good about working for you. They also enjoy being around your employees. In addition, your employees will have a clear understanding of why they work for your organization and what their role is within the business. People with high self-esteem trust themselves to get things done. Since you are offering them a job, you can be confident that they will perform well and exceed expectations. A positive relationship between employee and employer translates into higher productivity, better customer service, and happier workers. With a strong sense of purpose instilled throughout the workforce, your staff will experience greater motivation and confidence.


Your brand focus helps you decide how to allocate resources. Do you only sell one product at a time or multiple products? Will you market through television commercials, online ads, print advertising, event marketing, etc.? For example, if you want to increase sales of your pet food, you might choose to invest in TV ads featuring cute puppies. However, if your goal is to promote exercise activity, you could create an ad series promoting healthy lifestyles.

Does your brand focus stay true to who you are?

Are you known for having a wide variety of products?

Or do you specialize in one particular area of expertise?

Does your brand message align with your brand personality?


What does your brand promise? How do you stand behind the claims you make? Is there any proof, evidence, or data to back up your statements? Your brand’s promises should be simple, straightforward, believable, and measurable. Think about this question: What would happen if you told someone “I guarantee I can get you promoted within 3 months?” Your brand promise must be clear so that customers know exactly what they will receive when they purchase or use your product or service. Consumers should understand what makes your product different from other similar brands, who your main competitors are, what problems you solve, and how you deliver on your promise.

When people purchase a product, they expect the same thing every single time. The brand promises to give them answers to these questions. When consumers don’t receive those answers, they become frustrated and dissatisfied. If your brand promise isn’t clear, it’s difficult to differentiate your brand from others competing in your industry.


What are your core beliefs, principles, and ideals? Your values help define who you are as an individual and as an organization. Values are not always easy to express, but they are essential to building a successful brand.

Brand values may include family first, honesty, integrity, safety, kindness, respect, compassion, and responsibility. It is important to clarify which values guide your brand decisions. These values provide direction for your business and enable your team members to act consistently. Without consistent behavior, your brand will suffer. As a leader, you need to ensure that all stakeholders (employees, partners, vendors) share the same set of values. You cannot allow your values to change unless everyone agrees.

When developing a new company vision, look over all five points and ask yourself if the brand is authentic to you. Make sure the brand’s promises, values, and vision clearly align with each other. Your brand provides a foundation for everything else a company does. A successful brand will improve your bottom line by increasing your profitability. And a good brand will attract more customers and boost your reputation. Every aspect of a brand—the logo, tagline, colors, packaging design, website style, and corporate culture—should reinforce what the product or service offers.

Conduct competitor research

The first step in conducting a competitive analysis is to identify your competitors. This will include understanding what they offer, who their customers are, and where they are positioned in the market. With this information, you’ll be able to determine whether your brand is in direct competition with another business. If you find that your brand is directly competing with another, then you’ll want to conduct a deep dive into both companies’ strengths and weaknesses. You might even consider surveying current and potential customers to see if they think one brand is better than the other.

Define your customer persona

Once you’ve defined your competitors, it’s time to think about whom you’d like to serve through your brand. Identifying your ideal customer will help you create a unique message and build out a strong marketing plan.

A fantastic way to uncover insights about your ideal customer is through a customer persona exercise. Customer personas are fictional characters based off real data collected from actual customers. They represent the most common characteristics of your target audience, including demographics, psychographics, lifestyles, and behaviors. They can also contain key pain points that would drive people to buy your products or services. For example, there are certain benefits that customers associate with paying for quality health insurance. Or some industries have specific expectations around how long it takes to get paid.

After creating customer personas for your company, you’ll need to figure out which ones are relevant to your brand. Then begin incorporating these personas into your messaging and advertising campaigns.

Brand Positioning Examples

Here are some examples of brands that have successfully positioned themselves in separate ways. Consider how each brand positions itself by looking at the following topics:

• Product/Service

• Company

• Value

• Promise

Company Example

Apple makes high-quality computing hardware. Apple’s promise is “Our technology changes the world.” The company is famous for making devices that change how people live, work, play, and communicate.

Value Example

Apple sells premium-priced computers. If it didn’t charge such high prices, it wouldn’t be as profitable. Apple is known for delivering superior products and services at an excellent price.

Promise Example

Apple promises to be the best place to buy a Mac computer. People know that if they buy anything from Apple, it will be great.

What Does Your Brand Do?

Now that you understand how to define a brand, you should have a clever idea of what your brand does. To help keep this focus in mind throughout the branding process, here are three questions to ask yourself before starting any project:

Who are we differentiating ourselves from? What do we offer that no one else offers? How does our product, service, experience, or story differ from others in the marketplace?

Why are we doing this? What problem does this solve? Where does our business come from? What problems does our business have to address?

And finally, why do we care? What are we trying to achieve? Are we trying to connect emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, physically, etc.?

You may not always answer all three questions, but asking them helps you clarify where your brand stands in relation to other companies.

Defining a Brand Visual Identity

  1. Creating visual identities isn’t just another step in the branding process; it is often the deciding factor in whether a brand will succeed in the marketplace. Without a strong visual identity, it can be difficult to distinguish your brand from those of your competitors. By contrast, a distinct visual identity gives consumers something with which to identify instantly. The visual identity encompasses two components: the brand’s logo (or symbol) and color palette. Although both elements must be consistent across all marketing materials, the colors and placement of the logo can vary depending on what medium you’re using.

Logo Selection

When selecting a logo, start by considering the purpose of the logo. Is it meant to represent who you are, what you believe, what you want customers to think about your brand, etc.? Or is it more functional? For example, is it meant to appear on packaging or on website banners? Is there some sort of emotional connection between the name of the company and the logo itself? These considerations should influence the type of logo you choose.

When choosing a logo, avoid creating too much text. If possible, opt for a simple, easy-to-recognize icon instead.

Colors & Placement

Your logo should be integrated into the overall look and feel of your brand. As mentioned earlier, the colors of your logo should match those used in your advertising campaigns. In addition to the appearance of the logo, colors also set the mood of your brand—they create feelings, convey messages, evoke memories, inspire action, and so forth. Therefore, when designing your brand, pay special attention to your logo and color scheme. In terms of placement, you have several options regarding where your logo appears on the page. The most common location is centered above the fold, which means it appears immediately upon opening a web page. However, it is perfectly acceptable (and sometimes preferable) to include your logo somewhere on the page after the user has read the content. You might want to use the logo near the bottom of a post’s first paragraph or within a headline. Again, these placements will depend on the purpose of your logo.


The iPhone has become a cultural icon, and the company has done well to capitalize on this success by creating products that are both innovative and desirable. Apple’s brand equity is strong because consumers recognize the brand name and appreciate its quality. The new iMac is a good example of Apple’s ability to leverage technology to create a product that users love. It is sleek, stylish, and affordable. Unlike other desktop computers, the iMac features a built-in monitor and speakers. Also, its design makes it easy to carry around. Users don’t even realize that they are using a computer until they start surfing the web or checking email. Its combination of affordability, portability, and usefulness gives Apple a competitive advantage over other PC manufacturers. Because of its image, the iMac is also known for its high profit margins—$1,099 for the base model (which includes a 15-inch screen). As long as consumers keep buying Apple products, the company can charge more without losing customers.

Apple Computer

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he focused the company on creating elegant and intuitive devices. His goal was to produce quality products at reasonable prices. Today, Apple leads the way in digital music players, tablet PCs, smartphones, and wireless networking equipment. Despite recent financial difficulties, Apple remains popular among consumers because its products are well-designed and feature cutting edge technologies. They are also very durable. In addition, Apple takes care to ensure that its products are priced reasonably. This keeps many potential buyers interested in purchasing them.

Microsoft Windows

Windows is Microsoft’s primary operating system. Like Apple, Microsoft leverages its brand name to sell software. Despite its widespread popularity, however, Microsoft is not immune to criticism. For instance, critics believe that Microsoft monopolizes the personal computer industry by controlling both hardware and software. Even if the company were to lose control of one aspect of its operating system, it could still stay profitable by focusing on another area. For instance, instead of trying to develop a whole new OS, Microsoft would simply improve on Windows 95. In fact, some experts argue that the current version of Windows represents the peak of technological achievement. If Microsoft did nothing else, it could still dominate the industry by remaining technologically superior.


Google has been incredibly successful since its inception. This success comes from Google’s great marketing strategy and excellent customer service. The search engine giant focuses on providing useful information to users rather than selling advertisements. However, Google has had problems with user privacy. Many believe that Google tracks their activities online, which violates individual rights. Google’s reputation has suffered due to these allegations. Consumers now fear that Google is watching everything they do, and this has affected their trust in the company. This is why Google must be careful about how much information it collects and how aggressively it uses that data. To prevent further damage to its image, Google needs to show that it respects consumer privacy.


Samsung Electronics Corporation is South Korea’s largest manufacturer of semiconductors, flat panel displays, mobile phones, televisions, electronic appliances, and energy management systems. Samsung is the world leader in memory chips, cell phones, liquid crystal display panels, and solar cells. Samsung is an iconic brand in South Korea. The logo—a stylized “S” surrounded by three interlocking circles—has become synonymous with the company. Its slogan, “Next generation electronics,” conveys the sense that Samsung will always innovate and lead. Samsung faces two major challenges. First, it competes primarily against low – cost producers like China and Taiwan. Second, it faces increasing pressure to cut costs. Samsung has responded to these issues by lowering prices and developing innovative products. These efforts have helped the company maintain profitability despite a highly competitive environment.


Intel Corporation designs and develops microprocessors used in personal computers, workstations, servers, embedded systems, and other computing platforms. It is the second-largest chipmaker in the world. Intel introduced the first 64-bit processor (the Pentium III) in 1998. Since then, the company has continued to introduce more advanced products, including processors with instruction sets optimized for multimedia applications, graphics processing units, and multicore technology. Despite being a leading producer of microprocessors, Intel does not directly compete with itself—it competes with Advanced Micro Devices. One reason for this is that AMD produces chipsets, while Intel sells only processors. Another reason is that both companies sell products under distinct brands: Intel sells its own branded Core i3, i5, and i7 series; but AMD sells its Ryzen CPUs as compatible with Intel motherboards. Intel’s strategy is to differentiate its products from those sold by competitor companies such as AMD.

How to communicate your brand positioning to stakeholders

The most effective way to communicate your brand positioning is through the creation of a brand strategy document. This will include all aspects of your brand, including the company’s vision, mission statement, values, and goals. It should also include information on your customers and your business model. Once you’ve created a brand strategy, ensure that all stakeholders understand how they fit into the plan. You can use a brand positioning tool to help do this. For example, here’s how we positioned our brand using the Brand Positioning Tool: We defined our brand by saying that it would be known for its quality and affordability. We explained why the brand was different from competing brands. Finally, we stated what benefits the brand offers to customers.

How to improve your brand position over time

The first step is to identify what makes your brand different from others in the same category. Then you should think about who will want to buy your product or service, and why they would choose your brand over another. Finally, you need to determine where you want to place your brand in the marketplace – whether it’s in front, behind, or somewhere else entirely. Once you have identified the key elements that make up your brand, you should think about how these might change over time. For example, you may start out focusing on high quality and low prices, but then decide that you want to move towards higher end, luxury goods. This is a good opportunity to re-evaluate your brand positioning strategy.

You should also review your brand at regular intervals to ensure that it remains relevant and consistent with your current business direction.

Brand Strategy Development Process

There are three steps to developing a brand strategy:

Identify core elements of your brand. Think about what sets your brand apart from other similar businesses. These could include things like:

Your history and heritage
Products and services that you offer
The way that you look or behave (such as being friendly)
Values that guide your actions (for instance, honesty)
People who play an important role within the organization (such as senior managers)

Define your brand promise. How does your brand deliver value to your target audience What is the difference between your brand and those of your competitors? Describe your brand’s identity. Who are you as a brand? What makes you different from other companies in your industry or category? How do you want to be perceived?

Set objectives for each aspect of your brand.
Why are you branding?
What do you hope to achieve by doing so?
List the outcomes you want to see for each part of your brand.

How to develop a brand plan

A brand plan helps you to answer questions such as:

• Why do you need a brand strategy?

• What benefits can you expect to gain from creating a strong brand?

• Where do you want to put your brand within the overall marketing mix?

• Which aspects of your brand need improvement based on customer feedback?

With a clear understanding of your brand purpose, you’ll be able to answer these questions and create a compelling brand story that resonates with both customers and stakeholders. A brand plan includes a summary of all of the above information; it provides a detailed road map for how you intend to take your brand forward. It’s essentially a blueprint for your future – a tangible document that tells everyone involved exactly how you’re going to get there. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting a new business, revamping an existing one or planning to expand into new markets, having a brand strategy will help you define your brand’s identity and establish a cohesive message.

Branding Vs Advertising

One common misconception is that brands only advertise their products and services. However, brands are more than just advertising campaigns. Brands are complex entities that often incorporate multiple messages about themselves and their products and services. A brand’s identity encompasses everything from the company name and logo to the typeface used and the colors chosen.

For example, Nike Inc., known for its iconic “swoosh” logo and signature color red, has created a series of advertisements that have helped to raise awareness of its athletic shoes among consumers worldwide. In contrast, Pepsi Cola has focused much of its efforts on promoting healthy living through its slogan “the choice people trust.”

When developing a brand strategy, it is important to identify the specific ways in which you’re trying to reach your target customers. The following sections explain some key differences between brands and traditional advertising.

Advertising vs Branding

Traditional advertising is usually defined as any communication intended to promote a product or service. This broad definition includes television commercials, print ads, billboards and direct mail pieces. However, using this definition alone means that brands can be confused with traditional advertising because they share some similarities. For example, Coca-Cola was once considered a form of advertising because it promoted a drink called “Coca-cola,” but today it would be classified as a brand rather than a form of advertising. The difference becomes clearer when you compare traditional advertising to branding. Branded content differs in several ways:

Branded content is developed by marketers who understand the unique characteristics and target audiences of brands. Unlike advertisers, marketers know what makes a brand successful and have expertise in crafting messaging that creates interest and engagement.

Branded content is designed to deliver an experience that sets your brand apart from others. Traditional advertising tends to focus on selling a product or service, whereas branded content focuses on connecting with and providing value to customers.

Branded content incorporates elements such as storytelling, video, infographics, social media posts, etc. that make it interactive, memorable and engaging. Because these types of content require human interaction, they provide another channel for building relationships with customers.
Branded content is delivered in a variety of formats, including websites, videos, mobile apps, social networks, and e-mail newsletters. These platforms allow brands to create highly targeted communications with their customers and prospects.

Brand Personality

In addition to communicating a clear message, a well-positioned brand also communicates something about itself through its appearance and behavior. One way to think of this is as a brand’s personality. A brand’s personality describes who the brand is and what it stands for. A brand personality may include a tagline (“We don’t just give soda; we give smiles”) or a slogan (“I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear That!”), both of which communicate the brand’s core purpose. It might also include a visual design (think Apple or Google logos).


In conclusion, brand positioning is a key element of marketing strategy. It helps businesses to define their target market, and to create messages that resonate with that market. By taking the time to understand your target market and craft a unique position for your brand, you can set yourself up for success in the competitive world of business. Remember that customers are more likely to purchase a product or service from a brand they trust.

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                                    A Complete Guide to A Successful Brand Positioning Strategy                                 </h2>
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